Showing posts with label ann coulter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ann coulter. Show all posts

Jan 12, 2014

from Coulter Watch Author Dan Borchers: Coulter Confronts Pope on Key Christian Tenet

from Coulter Watch Author Dan Borchers:  Coulter Confronts Pope on Key Christian Tenet 

Ann Coulter’s often confused (and confusing) Christian theological expressions were detailed in The Gospel According to Ann Coulter. But just last week, Coulter spoke with clarity and conviction, challenging the Pope on a key tenet of the faith. Surprisingly, she’s right. When she’s right, she’s right.
The Pope’s words were peculiar regarding entrance into heaven: Per Coulter, “the statement by the Pope that I find most surprising was his statement that you don't have to be a Christian to go to heaven.” Though there is debate over whether the Pope actually said that atheists can go to heaven, it is worth examining the matter.
Coulter explained her point in political terms to a largely political audience, saying, “Look you may think that, maybe there are lot of people who think that. But if you’re head of the RNC, you're not supposed to be saying, ‘Oh, don't bother, voting Republican.’ That isn't supposed to be your position. That's the most surprising. I mean I guess except for the anti-papist crowd.”
The PC Police don’t like declarative statements. They eschew absolutism. Thus they neglect the truth. As a consequence, they decry such clear statements of faith as those which Christians believe: Jesus Christ is the one and only way to heaven. For some, that truth seems very exclusive, but believers see it as profoundly inclusive. Jesus is the Door; He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; He is the Bread of Life; He is our Salvation; He is our Mediator and our Advocate with the Father. Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
Christianity is like an exclusive club which has one requirement: accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. But that Club’s doors are open to anyone and everyone – open invitations to all people. That’s pretty inclusive. Jesus urges His people to come to Him and He will give them rest. That’s an all-encompassing offer.
Those who criticize the church for being a church which preserves the eternal truths of God are missing the point: what the church can accomplish for God, for His people, and even for His critics. It is the preservation of the Word of Truth which enlightens people and draws them to Jesus for salvation and a place in heaven.
In the end, everyone gets a place at the table and greeted by Jesus Himself.
Let’s remember that this Christmas.

Jan 9, 2014

Coulter Confronts Pope on Key Christian Tenet

  Coulter Confronts Pope on Key Christian Tenet
Ann Coulter’s often confused (and confusing) Christian theological expressions were detailed in The Gospel According to Ann Coulter. But just last week, Coulter spoke with clarity and conviction, challenging the Pope on a key tenet of the faith. Surprisingly, she’s right. When she’s right, she’s right.
The Pope’s words were peculiar regarding entrance into heaven: Per Coulter, “the statement by the Pope that I find most surprising was his statement that you don't have to be a Christian to go to heaven.” Though there is debate over whether the Pope actually said that atheists can go to heaven, it is worth examining the matter.
Coulter explained her point in political terms to a largely political audience, saying, “Look you may think that, maybe there are lot of people who think that. But if you’re head of the RNC, you're not supposed to be saying, ‘Oh, don't bother, voting Republican.’ That isn't supposed to be your position. That's the most surprising. I mean I guess except for the anti-papist crowd.”
The PC Police don’t like declarative statements. They eschew absolutism. Thus they neglect the truth. As a consequence, they decry such clear statements of faith as those which Christians believe: Jesus Christ is the one and only way to heaven. For some, that truth seems very exclusive, but believers see it as profoundly inclusive. Jesus is the Door; He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; He is the Bread of Life; He is our Salvation; He is our Mediator and our Advocate with the Father. Jesus Christ is the Messiah.
Christianity is like an exclusive club which has one requirement: accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. But that Club’s doors are open to anyone and everyone – open invitations to all people. That’s pretty inclusive. Jesus urges His people to come to Him and He will give them rest. That’s an all-encompassing offer.
Those who criticize the church for being a church which preserves the eternal truths of God are missing the point: what the church can accomplish for God, for His people, and even for His critics. It is the preservation of the Word of Truth which enlightens people and draws them to Jesus for salvation and a place in heaven.
In the end, everyone gets a place at the table and greeted by Jesus Himself.
Let’s remember that this Christmas.

by Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website:

Thank you, Dan, for taking time to share your thoughts with the ronnie republic.

Jan 8, 2014

Good Job Geraldo Rivera and WABC New York--Conservative Talk Radio Without Hate

The Show is good--it's plain talk--the people call in and say what they think.

The folks of New York love to call in and talk to Geraldo and that is all there is.  He listens, lets them talk and then he says his opinion, also.

The listener gets to hear the vibe of the citizens of New York, or the folks of the US, we get to hear what Geraldo thinks about the issues and we get to hear Juan Williams, Bo Dietl, Ann Coulter--it's a good show.

One needs diversion to complete housework........

It is interesting conversation--I can listen and do the dishes.

What is going on in America--tune in to WABC-New York and I know what is happening this morning on the news.

The big headline--no one is shouting and we get to hear both sides of the issue.

Really, this is the best news-talk show on radio today--both sides, divergent views without anger--it works for me.

Geraldo said today he thinks the traffic hold-up issue of Chris Christie--reportedly blocking traffic on a busy New York bridge in retaliation for not supporting him for re-election will be a major game-changer for the Christie election.

He thinks this could effectively end his bid for presidency.

Juan Williams joined in to say it goes against his policy of being on the straight and narrow regardless of party.  

Geraldo Rivera recently changed his format, this past Monday, to a more local type show with video.  One can watch him in his office and soon they may be dashing around town.  The first day the video was a little sporadic but now it seems to work just fine.  

here is a link to the show:

here we go with their facebook:

Tune into the Geraldo Riverashow on on 77 WABC or watch Geraldo online on to hear these guests and more!
- Former Mayor David Dinkins,
- Frederick Dicker, State Editor of the NY Post
- Ann Coulter
- Andrea Miller, President of NARAL Pro-Choice NY
- Assemblyman Gottfried
- Call in at 1-866-GERALDO

I click on video instead of listening live........

Thanks Geraldo and good job--you let the guests talk and you talk too without blowing up.

This is a conservative station and it is not hate radio.

Jan 3, 2014

Ann Coulter and Free Speech

In a startling New Year’s Eve diatribe – demurely titled “The Anus Monologues” – Ann Coulter defended free speech by calling for the execution of those who disagree with her.
In the middle of her essay condemning liberal activists and the liberal media, Coulter tried to seize the moral high ground, going badly off track in the process. Coulter writes, “free speech existed even before we had a Constitution.” Actually, free speech wasn’t recognized and protected as a “right” until the Constitution (or, to be more precise, the Bill of Rights).
Further, Coulter conflates “shock troops of liberal agitators” with “government censoring speech.” Belaboring the point that “A&E is not the government,” Coulter misses the point that A&E is not the government. A&E can do what it wants. The free market (not the government) should decide its fate. Regarding censorship, the First Amendment really does only apply to the government (“Congress shall make no law …”), notwithstanding Coulter’s protestations.
But, in the name of free speech, Coulter wants to prohibit some people “from ever talking in public again.” Moreover, she concludes her essay advocating execution of the liberal press: “Cliché-spouting hack TV pundits: I recommend capital punishment.” (See The Gospel According to Ann Coulter for her extensive use of elimination rhetoric.)
Lauding conservatism and Scripture, Coulter denies both in practice and in temperament. Coulter’s hypocrisy and double standards are as self-evident as the nation’s founding principles that she cites.
Conservatives believe in free speech for conservatives and for liberals, for Christians and for non-Christians. The Constitution applies to all. Unlike Coulter, conservatives and Christians actually believe the self-evident truth that “all men are created equal” in the image of God, and, thus, all should be accorded due respect.
People are free to believe, or not believe, as they like. Jesus was about persuasion, not coercion.
Instead of vilifying “shock troops of liberal agitators,” conservatives and Christians would counter them with truth and grace, which is exactly why Robertson was so quickly restored by A&E.
Coulter champions the values of Duck Dynasty, but she fails miserably at living those values.

from Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website: CoulterWatch

Dec 23, 2013

Coulter Says Santa is Still White; Her Racism Continues

Yesterday, Coulter tweeted that Santa is still white, posting a photo as proof. In the past, she has extolled white supremacy, and she continues to do so – with a fictional character. Coulter’s racism is well documented (see chapter four of Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory and chapter ten of The Gospel According to Ann Coulter).
Even though Coulter’s last book, Mugged, dealt brilliantly with race – detailing the Party of Lincoln’s history of promoting freedom for all – Coulter, time and time again, views life through the prisms of race and class. Coulter takes pride in being white and in being an elite.
Conservatives, on the other hand, agree with the Declaration of Independence, that all men are created equal. We believe in equality before God. We believe in liberty and justice for all. We uphold Rev. King’s pronouncement that character, not race, is what matters. We eschew racial quotas and race-norming as ineffective societal correctives because they actually deny the inherent, God-given equality of mankind, which was created in God’s image. We seebeyond race because it is truly the person within that matters.
For all her research into race relations, Coulter misses the heart of the matter because, in her heart, she can’t help but make race and class distinctions. It is a part of who she is.

by Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website

Dec 20, 2013

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter Justifies DD Hate Talk with Jesus

Bad Barbie Ann Coulter justifies hate with Jesus, and calls herself a Christian.

Religion without compassion.

Justifying their hate with Jesus.

Just have to speak at this time--past employment working with many gay men in the health care field.

Many were out but some, very few even knew they were gay.

But here is one thing about all of those guys

I would never, ever, ever want to do anything to hurt their feelings and if that happened in this Duck Dynasty thing with this ill-kept ex-hippie I am so sorry for any one who was offended.

Bombastic Barbie, Ann Coulter proclaiming these duck people are simply following the words of Jesus and the Bible.

Gee, how can I draw more attention to myself--who can I insult next.

Ann Coulter:  How can I single-handedly lay waste to the republican party.  How can I lose the election again in 2016.

Can I stop health care for every one.  Do I have an alternative or shall I just keep shouting insults.

So many of these gay men, my co-workers at every level--so often bailed me out at work.  No, not just once but many many times. Offering kind words of advice, as needed.

So often these lovely men carried on a conversation with me when others would not.

Thank you to all of these men for helping me out so many, many times and for being my friend.

To me, Jesus does not want to go around hurting other people's feelings.

What do you think Ann.

Ann and Sean Hannity book signing today in Florida.

I like the compassion of Reverend Al Sharpton and personally he has given me strength through his words and setting an example for accepting others and also telling his life story.

Dec 19, 2013

Ann Coulter, Jesus Christ, and Santa Claus

If Ann Coulter can’t be trusted (see Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age), why do so many conservatives trust her? Sometimes she gets things right and stands her ground for truth. (Complications arise, however, when she as equally fervently expresses falsehood.)

Entering into an already ongoing racial debate sparked by Fox News commentators and Coulter’s own tweets, Piers Morgan recently posed a series of questions to Coulter regarding the race of both Jesus and Santa.

Regarding the Savior, Coulter was accurate: “As for Jesus, Jesus is a real person. He was a Jew. I mean, if you want to tell me Jews aren't white, OK. But he's Jewish. So, whatever that is.” Repeatedly pressed by a contentious Piers who could not accept that reality, Coulter amplified her remarks: “Well, he's not black, he's Middle Eastern. Maybe he's sort of beige, Piers.” For the record, Jesus was biblically and historically Jewish and, thus, light-complexioned.

Coulter’s views on Santa are a bit more problematic. “But I met the real Santa Clause and he is white.” Santa Claus is a fictional character inspired by an historical figure, a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop. Our contemporary picture of Santa Claus derives from an 1881 illustration which was created in a dominant white milieu.

Of course Santa Claus in America was white – in 1881. But Santa is a fictional figure and his race has no bearing on who he is and what he does. Santa transcends race. (Just as Jesus does.) Every individual and culture can envision Santa as they choose. Christmas is celebrated worldwide by a variety of different customs, in diverse cultures, with different representations of Santa.

Coulter, Piers, and others who emphasize the race of Jesus Christ and Santa Claus are entirely missing the point because they are focusing on something relatively inconsequential – race. They miss the point of Christmas – the universal love of God and Jesus Christ’s birth as Savior of the world.

It’s not about race, it’s about God’s gift to mankind.

by Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website

Dec 18, 2013

Why is Ann Coulter so Dangerous?

Conservatives recognize the universal truth of the axiom, “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Our Founding Fathers understood this and devised the form of government we inherited from them with that in mind. Limited government, enumerated powers, competing factions – all designed to prevent one individual or group from seizing too much power. That system has endured for centuries, but has become corrupted by various power grabs and the expansion of power concentrated in the hands of a few people in Washington, D.C.
Power corrupts. Ann Coulter is particularly prone to its effects. She pursues power with passion (see several chapters in Vanity: Ann Coulter’s Quest for Glory), just as she seeks control over every aspect of her life, of her relationships, and of the world around her – including national politics. Moreover, her arrogance – her sense of superiority and belief that she knows better than anyone else (see Never Trust Ann Coulter – at ANY Age) – compels her to misuse her power and exert control over other people, irrespective of their wishes or needs.
That combination – corrupt power, compulsive control, and unbridled arrogance – makes Ann Coulter a very dangerous person.

by Daniel Borchers

here is a link to Dan's website CoulterWatch

Dec 17, 2013

Geraldo Radio--Tuesdays with Ann Coulter

Geraldo has one of the best shows on radio today--he lets the guests say their opinions on both sides of the issue.  We get to hear all of the info without anger--Geraldo even says his idea, perhaps in disagreement and no one goes away fuming.  

The New Yorkers love him and call in as if they know him and they are talking to an old friend as evidenced by the New York granny yesterday, angry that Geraldo was feeling too sorry for President Obama.  

It is a good show, particularly for conservative radio and it is also fun to hear Bernard Kerik, former Police Commissioner give his take on things.  He says his friend will be on every Monday.  

I am going to keep watching this show on my comp.  

It is also nice to hear about New York as it is completely different from San Diego.  

I like the show and I am a dem--it is informative without anger--even when the bombastic beauty Ann Coulter calls in on Tuesdays.  Geraldo has the unusual gift of listening to Ann's outrageousness and then toning down her radical statements without being insulting.  

In the current radio market the show is informative and entertaining.  It is one of the few shows that is not completely one-sided and crazy and that is rare in radio today.




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Nov 4, 2013

Geraldo Watch Monday..Geraldo Sucessfully Defuses Ann Coulter

Geraldo Watch Monday..Geraldo Successfully Defuses Ann Coulter

Geraldo Rivera on his WABC morning radio show successfully defuses ticking time bomb and anti-girl girl Ann Coulter.

Yes, Ann was going on in her usual trumped up false facts and trying to stir up everyone into a dither only for her own self-promotion about abortion and Obama care.

Geraldo immediately sensed her outer-space antics and toned her down quick by politely saying I don't think so, Ann, and you might want to check your facts on that statement.  Geraldo actually said it twice--he was polite and soft-spoken yet did not let her go on with her tea-party fantasies.

Ann, women today want to have health care and we want to have a choice about when to have children.  We love children but we want a choice.  Because we want to have say so about our health and our child bearing decisions does not mean we are communists.

The cool thing about Obama care--health care and choice for all women, all lifestyles of women and economic levels--this is a good thing.

Thank you to President Obama and to Geraldo Rivera for not getting sucked in to this caustic dividing tea party bish bash.

The walking dead branch of the republican party lead by zombie queen an coulter, successfully defused by the Fox News token sane person, Geraldo Rivera.

Good luck to the repubs--just a tip...I'd take Chris Christie and lose the trumped tea party entourage to repub dead queen, ann, and cruz control ted...a little more towards center may lead the way to success.

Jul 27, 2013

Chris Christie, Bill O'Reilly and the New Conservatives

Chris Christie and the new conservative branch of the republican party are trying to distance themselves as much as possible from Bill O’Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Donald Trump and other embarrassing members of the walking dead--the ROWG branch of the GOP.  

It turns out shouting, spitting, arrogance, flaring nostrils and the sentiment of racism and bigotry are not only undesirable traits in a husband and around the house but they also do not win elections.

Jul 18, 2013

Breaking Bad: The US vs The UK

Breaking Bad:  The US vs The UK

Laws that allow vigilante justice against kids.

Conservative right-wing talk shows that are culturally insensitive and happy about it.

Health Care for everyone.


Street Cams.

To put it mildly; is Britain a more sophisticated nation than the United States?

Are we the wild, wild west?

America, America, America.......the right wingers are always talking about saving America, the freedom of America, taking back America.  Wake up and see who and what America is--we are a beautiful coat of many colors.  To quote Rachel Jeantel these old white ROWGs are old school--outdated and out of style.....not to mention embarrassing.

Thank goodness we have President Obama and Eric Holder, people in power, people of color, mixed color, the color of America, who can actually do something about it--change laws, promote equality, nominate judges.   That’s the best thing we have done.  We have elected President Obama in an act of forward thinking.

Let’s move our country forward to equal rights for all, for all children, towards sophistication--let’s move out of the wild, wild west some are so proud of and fearful of losing and to a forward thinking country of education, equal opportunities, cultural sensitivity and laws that prevent vigilante justice against children.

Some of these right wing haters--you know the names--if they would bother to listen to the words of Reverend Al Sharpton they would see he has a lot of very interesting things to say--soothing words that are really needed right now in this time of anger and everyone taking sides.  

We have an opportunity now to see the world through the eyes of others, not just through the white prism--we have a chance to gain knowledge and cultural sensitivity.  What is wrong with that.  Isn't that sophistication and isn't that a good thing.

talking about stand your ground and my disdain at laws that allow vigilante justice against kids..........

Enhanced by Zemanta

Jun 30, 2013

Walking Dead: ann coulter and the republican party

Ann Coulter--beautiful but deadly--one woman republican demolition  crew.................................................

Chris Christie  is  probably breathing a sigh of relief as ann coulter exits stage right from his group of supporters--with tweets like this she is paving the way for him to run--Clinton  and Christie--now that's going to be an exciting race.  Keep up the good work, ann, look around and notice who is voting .  Dawn of the Dead--ann coulter and the republican party.

copied from newsmax via The Telegraph.........Ann Coulter: Chris Christie's Dead to Me

Friday, 28 Jun 2013 12:24 PM
By Melanie Batley
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Conservative commentator Ann Coulter has lost her enthusiasm for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie after the senator he appointed to temporarily fill the late Frank Lautenberg's seat voted to end debate on the immigration bill.

"@GovChristie's dead to me," Coulter said in a tweet to the Republican she once championed as the party's only hope to capture the White House in 2012.

@GovChristie's dead to me: Jeffrey S. Chiesa R NJ votes "Aye" on Amnesty bill. CRUZ 2016!
She added, "[Sen.] Jeffrey S. Chiesa R NJ votes 'Aye' on Amnesty bill."

She then sent out several tweets suggesting that a vote to allow "amnesty" for immigrants was also a vote for "abortion, gay marriage, Obamacare, and big government."

"Any politician who claims to be pro-life yet votes for amnesty is a liar," said one of her Twitter messages.

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"So glad you FINALLY woke up to the fraud that is @ChrisChristie," she said in another, followed by, "if amnesty passes, country is over. THANKS CHRIS CHRISTIE."

Coulter was one of the earliest advocates of a Christie presidential candidacy and pushed hard for him to run against President Barack Obama in the last election.

"I don't care if [Chris Christie] wants to run, his country needs him, it appears," she saidin February 2011.

As late as May, Coulter defended Christie against criticism that he was fraternizing with Obama, telling conservative talk show host Sean Hannity, "There seems to be a concerted movement by both liberals and conservatives to lie about Christie and make him seem more liberal than he really is."

Coulter appears to have thrown her support behind Sen. Ted Cruz as the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. "CRUZ 2016!" she said at the end of her tweet.

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